1. 你在不爽什麼?
What are you unhappy about?
Why the long face? 幹嘛板著一張臉?
What's getting you down? 為什麼不開心?
2. 上班可以穿牛仔褲嗎?
Is it all right to wear jeans to the office?
Can jeans be worn at work? 上班可以穿牛仔褲嗎?
Are we allowed to wear jeans at work? 我們可以穿牛仔褲上班嗎?
3. 付現有比較便宜嗎?
Is it cheaper if I pay in cash?
Can you offer a cash discount? 我付現的話,你可不可以算便宜點?
How much if I pay in cash? 我付現的話算多少錢?